Welcome to The Garden...

Welcome to the Garden!

I’m Richard, the head groundskeeper in this Garden. It’s Mother’s Day - and while I’m celebrating my mother in a different state, I felt like it was the perfect day to launch this blog.

I think about all the seeds that my mother singlehandedly planted in me since I was a child - and how some of these seeds are now blooming and producing more seeds. We all have a garden that we need to tend. Tending a garden includes watering plants, and pulling weeds. Being a Taurus, I love the Earth and am obsessed with growing! This blog will be a space where I explore all of my dreams and goals; to create the world I want to live in for myself.

One of the super cool things about this endeavor is that no one knows this space exists. So I write this first entry without fear. I’ve wanted to write for so long, and the fear of facing what others may think of my grammar, my content, my reasons for writing had kept me from posting. But with this entry, the first weed has been pulled.

‘Til next time -


Richard Baskin Jr.